Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
Demis Roussos concert 15 December 2012
A tribute to a great singer.
Last in South Africa 37
years ago but brought back this year by Frans Swart from Lefra Productions, to
perform live to his millions of supporters here. I was there to watch this amazing spectacular
show that took place on 15 December in the Liqui-Fruit amphitheatre in Paarl.
An experience that I have to share with the rest of South Africa
Driving from George we arrived at the amphitheatre at 15H00
.Several people was already waiting in the heat and soon everybody was sitting
in the closest shady spot and picnicking , chatting and greeting each other. A
friendly and spontaneous atmosphere hung in the air. Gates opened at 17h30 and
the crowds moved into the theater environment. Soon all the embankments around
the theatre were full of awaiting theater goers drinking wines, refreshments
and socializing. Friendly people in their ages (not much young people – they
don’t enjoy pure good music) gathering around and waiting in anticipation for
the start of the concert. The organizers have gone to great length to make this
evening a memorable well organized event.
Then it is 20H00 – Everybody seated and waiting for the appearance.
The last lighting preparations are underway and then the big moment arrived. The
“Greek god” is to appear on stage. The band members were on stage already. Then
came a shock to me. I completely forgot that Demis Roussos is well in his
sixties and not much had been heard from this singer over the years. Demis was
“escorted” onto the stage and placed on a chair in front of his microphone. A
silence was felt in the stadium momentarily but when the master started to sing
and talk all of these shockwave disappeared and anticipation of a great show
filled the air. With an obvious sickness state of Demis Roussos he made up with
his enthuisiastic performance and singing ability . He still had control over
the crowd and people were singing along and still continue idiolising him for
his voice and personality . At this moment my image of him as a legend changed
from legend to LEGEND OF THE LEGENDS. He inspires us with his performance and
his ability and dedication to his music . At his age still to take on a world
tour makes him more than a legend , in fact one of the biggest stars in music. We
were treated to his old songs, Italian opera songs; Sing along songs, Greek
dance music and just his voice of excellence that filled the theatre and the
ecstasy of the crowd. People were dancing and singing along and in this two
hour show the crowd was joined together, forgot about their problems and was
joined as one person.
This show was an eye opener for me. I forgot how good his
voice and music was. Secondly I forgot about how grateful I must be. I have no
sickness; I am 54 years old and complaints about every small little thing that
happens in my life. I felt so ashamed. Here on stage was man well in his
sixties, maybe more sick than I can be and still had the guts to pack and do a
world tour because his fans would like to see him again. He is again a hero in
my eyes and I wish Demis Roussos every of the best in his career and hope we
don’t have to wait another 37 years to see him.
Joseph van der Poel
Friday, 7 December 2012
Homemade poem of normal man's life
We are born to a life of good
Filled with the offers of life’s food
There are days when you are down or up
Why do we experience more down than up?
The sequence of life is a gamble
It turns our life into shambles
How high we set our hope of achievement
We never accept our real targets of gain
We are the best in what we offer
But people around us beg to differ
We get played the regular foul ball
That is completely against our call
Why do we differ from others
Aren’t we to love one another?
We are so different in our motives
We live worlds apart with ulterior motives
Why do people tend to fight each other?
Why do we differ in our believes
Do we think ourselves better than the rest?
Or are we not always at our best
Why do we continuous suffer in our pain?
Do we have nothing good to gain?
Are we the sufferers of the world?
And part of the failures of the world
Do we always have to wonder about successes?
Do we have to accept our life full of failures?
Why is there nobody around when you are in need?
But those people are always there when they are in need
Billions of people in the world
But only a handful of Samaritans
Difficult to seek them out
What is life if no help about?
People turn the blind eye to those in need
Are they only looking for attention or gain?
They don’t see the real pain
They live in their own world of happiness
We live a life of happiness and mostly sorrow
From whom will we be able to attempt to borrow?
The joys and happiness of the people around us
Sometimes withheld us of other peoples trust.
Friday, 23 November 2012
Lady Gaga
Hei, what’s new? Sy’s dan seriously ryk!
cool is dit nie? Laaidy Gaga kom Suid-Ôfrika toe vir twee shows. Ak love hôr.
Say’s amazing. May pô het soos in totally uitgefreak toe ak sê ak wil na hôr
show in Jo-hies toe gôn. Hay sê say ak kan
vergeet om te gôn. Hay sê Laaidy Gaga is evil en dra weird klere en stuff.
May pô moet net, chill. Jeez. Ak is nie meer soos in ’n klein dogtertjie nie.
Dis ook nie asof Laaidy Gaga soos in saeks op stage het nie. Okay, say het al ’n splif in een van hôr shows gerook en sy drô hierdie funny outfits, maar, hei, what’s new? Hier in Pretôria kan jay ook ’n splif koop. Dûh?
Hier in Pretôria drô mense ook hierdie weird, random outfits. Laaidy Gaga care actually vir die armes. Say’s vir world peace.
Say het geld gegee vir ôlmal wôt se huise laas in die tsoenômi weggespoel het. Say het soos in op haar private jet geklim en Hongkong toe gevlieg... Of was dit nou China?
Wôr wôs die tsoenômi nou weer? Anyway, say’t soontoe gevlieg in hôr private jet en vir die mense van die tsoenômi geld en stuff gôn gee om te wys sy soos in seriously care. Hoe amazing is dit nie?
En say’s ’n vegetariër, ’n veggie. Dis hoekom say eenkeer met ’n klomp steaks aan hôr lyf vasgemôk op stage gegôn het. Dit wôs om te protest teen die mense wat so randomly vleis eet – Blou Bul-steaks en stuff.
Toe ek dit vir may pô sê, toe vông hy soos in ’n fit.
“Chill net, pô. Okay?” sê ak toe vir hom. “Hoekom freak pô nie ook uit oor Natanië-ôl nie? Jeez.”
My pô en mô is soos in serious fans vôn Natanië-ol. Hulle love Natanië-ol. Hulle dink hay’s soos in amazing. Hulle gôn soos in na sy shows toe, en my mô koop van sy boeke en spices en stuff.
Hêlou? Natanië-ol dra soos in rokke op stage en gebruik make-up.
Die mense is net jealous op Laaidy Gaga omdôt say ’n famous celebrity en seriously ryk is. Natanië-ol is nie eens op Twitter nie. Laaidy Gaga het soos in forty million followers op Twitter.
Hoe cool moet dit nie wees nie? Jay stôn soos in die oggend op en dis koud en stuff en jay voel depro, dan vat jy soos in jou iPhone en tweet: “Dis koud en stuff en ak is depro.” Dan lees jaouw forty million followers dit en tweet terug en sê hulle love jaouw, jay moet beter voel en stuff.
Laaidy Gaga noem ons haar Little Monsters. Say care vir haar fans, sy care soos in genuine vôr ons. Say sê ons moenie lat iemand ons soos in abuse en stuff nie. “Paws up, Little Monsters,” sê sy altyd.
My favorite song van hôr is: “Baby I was Born This Way”. Dis ’n amazing song. Ek love dit. Ons Little Monsters gôn volgende week daar voor die stage staan en dit saam met hôr sing wanneer sy hier is.
Hoe cool gôn dit nie wees nie?
May pô moet net, chill. Jeez. Ak is nie meer soos in ’n klein dogtertjie nie.
Dis ook nie asof Laaidy Gaga soos in saeks op stage het nie. Okay, say het al ’n splif in een van hôr shows gerook en sy drô hierdie funny outfits, maar, hei, what’s new? Hier in Pretôria kan jay ook ’n splif koop. Dûh?
Hier in Pretôria drô mense ook hierdie weird, random outfits. Laaidy Gaga care actually vir die armes. Say’s vir world peace.
Say het geld gegee vir ôlmal wôt se huise laas in die tsoenômi weggespoel het. Say het soos in op haar private jet geklim en Hongkong toe gevlieg... Of was dit nou China?
Wôr wôs die tsoenômi nou weer? Anyway, say’t soontoe gevlieg in hôr private jet en vir die mense van die tsoenômi geld en stuff gôn gee om te wys sy soos in seriously care. Hoe amazing is dit nie?
En say’s ’n vegetariër, ’n veggie. Dis hoekom say eenkeer met ’n klomp steaks aan hôr lyf vasgemôk op stage gegôn het. Dit wôs om te protest teen die mense wat so randomly vleis eet – Blou Bul-steaks en stuff.
Toe ek dit vir may pô sê, toe vông hy soos in ’n fit.
“Chill net, pô. Okay?” sê ak toe vir hom. “Hoekom freak pô nie ook uit oor Natanië-ôl nie? Jeez.”
My pô en mô is soos in serious fans vôn Natanië-ol. Hulle love Natanië-ol. Hulle dink hay’s soos in amazing. Hulle gôn soos in na sy shows toe, en my mô koop van sy boeke en spices en stuff.
Hêlou? Natanië-ol dra soos in rokke op stage en gebruik make-up.
Die mense is net jealous op Laaidy Gaga omdôt say ’n famous celebrity en seriously ryk is. Natanië-ol is nie eens op Twitter nie. Laaidy Gaga het soos in forty million followers op Twitter.
Hoe cool moet dit nie wees nie? Jay stôn soos in die oggend op en dis koud en stuff en jay voel depro, dan vat jy soos in jou iPhone en tweet: “Dis koud en stuff en ak is depro.” Dan lees jaouw forty million followers dit en tweet terug en sê hulle love jaouw, jay moet beter voel en stuff.
Laaidy Gaga noem ons haar Little Monsters. Say care vir haar fans, sy care soos in genuine vôr ons. Say sê ons moenie lat iemand ons soos in abuse en stuff nie. “Paws up, Little Monsters,” sê sy altyd.
My favorite song van hôr is: “Baby I was Born This Way”. Dis ’n amazing song. Ek love dit. Ons Little Monsters gôn volgende week daar voor die stage staan en dit saam met hôr sing wanneer sy hier is.
Hoe cool gôn dit nie wees nie?
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Wie baat by bemarking
Maatskappy bemarking
Advertering in die gedrukte media is ‘n noodsaaklikheid
vir die voortbestaan van ‘n maatkappy en ook vir die gedrukte media hetsy
gemorspos of uistaande advertensies.
Koerante en promosie maatskappye se inkomste en
salarisse is afhankilik van die hoeveelheid advertensies wat geplaas word.
Kostes wissel ook van die groottes en hoeveelheid advertensies wat geplaas word.
Korting word ook toegestaan aan adverteerders wat weekliks of maandliks
advertensies plaas. Voorwaar ‘n groot en kompeterende mark tussen koerante en
ander gedrukte marke. Hulle werf voortdurend en met agressie kliente om hulle
koerant spasies te vul. Baie meer kan genoem word oor hierdie prosesse , maar
kom ons laat dit daar.
Maatskappye word geklassifiseer onder Franchises , groot
en klein ondernemings wat meeding met dieselfde tipe produkte en bemarkings
strategie . Sommige maatskappy stel selfs bemarkings agente aan om sodoende
hulle kanse met verkope en wins te bevorder ten koste van ander soortgelyke
onderneming . Deels van uitgawes van die groot , medium en klein ondernemings
bestaan uit maandelikse uitgawes vir bemarking.
Bogenoemde waarnemings het baie betrekking tot groterige
ondernemings maar die doel van hierdie skrywe is om aandag meer te vestig op die
onderneming wat ek noem die entrepaneurs
Weens so baie afdankings in die werkplek en die
abnormale werkloosheids syfers is die enigste oplossing om entrepaneur te gaan
word. Sy eie klein besigheid om vir hom ‘n inkomste te skep . In sy onderneming
lyk sy begroting soos volg : Huistoe vat geld vir kos , miskien salaris vir 1
werker , Krag en broodnodige skoonmaakmiddels ens. Watwou daar is geen geld vir
bemarking nie. Om winste te laat groei moet hy bemarking doen , maar sonder
bemarking kan
hy nie sy onderneming , sy trots , uitbrei en laat groei nie. Wat ‘n catch22
situasie bevind hy homself nie. Dan nader hy wel die koerant ens om ‘n ou klein
advertensie te plaas . Maar dadelik word hy geklassifiseer as ‘n groot premium
maatskappy wat hy nie is nie , maar die media het mos net een tarief. One for
all and all for one.
Nou vra ek graag die vraag . Hoe kan jule verwag van ‘n
klein entrepaneurs maatskappy om sy besigheid te laat groei as daar nie iemand
is wat bereid is om hom by te staan nie. Hoekon kan groter maatskapppe nie genader word om
hierdie klein ondernemings by te staan en sodoende die vrye mark stelsel net
verder te versterk en uit te brei. Profiele word gehandhaaf en groot maatskappye
se beeld word op die gedrukte media uitgebeeld. Maar wat die beeld van die
entrepaneur. He thy ‘n beeld en het hy ‘n bestaansreg in ons
Friday, 9 November 2012
Hoekom spot ons iemand met ‘n gebrek
Is ons almal dan so vol van onself , dat ons dink ons is volmaak. Dan spot ons
met andere wat nie so volmaak soos ons is nie. Maar is ons werklik so volmaak
soos ons dink.
Nee ons is ook nie volmaak nie. Ons kort die eienskap
waardering. Die waardering vir die feit dat ons al ons sintuie besit. Dat die
lewe vir ons goed is . Dat ons aanvaarbaar is vir die andere volmaakte skepsels
in die wereld.
Ons weet nie hoe dit voel om te sukkel sonder ‘n oog of ‘n
oor of ‘n been of ‘n arm of enige noodsaaklike legement.
Ons kla wel oor die onodige dinge in die lewe wat vir ons
noodsaaklik voel maar ‘n persoon met ‘n gebrek kla baie mider as ons. Alhoewel
hy deur middel van sy gebrek minder vriende as ons is hy nog steeds meer
gelukkiger en besit meer wysheid en geluk as ons.
Ons kan
behoorlik skaam voel oor ons eie dade teenoor ander met gebrek en net een keer
met meer begrip kyk en luister na daardie persoon met ‘n gebrek
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
What type of women inspires you?
So often the question arises to the male person and he has
to answer the question.
His immediate thoughts link him to personalities. To an actress,
a beautiful neighbor or friend, even in the direction of the women down the
street that feeds hungry children on a daily basis.
I agree fully with this type of answer and thought. But try
to think deep down in your inner self. Let your thoughts and desires be the
same as mine
Isn’t the most inspiring women not maybe your wife or girl friend.
You wouldn’t have married her if she didn’t inspire you. It’s the small things
of a wife that we tend to forget. She devotes her life to you and your children.
She’s always there when you need her. She has to support you but must also bear
the grunts and problem of her other family that she has left behind to be with
you. She hides her pain and sorrow better that any man can dream to do. She
often cries when she is alone but put up her smile when we need her.
Let’s not forget our wives and honor them for the good that
they bring within us and the joy we share together
Three hoorays for the inspiring women of the nation. Our
wives and girlfriends
Rooikappie in mxit taal
Ouma ni gr8, so Roi-^ gan ky-ir
Eendag lnk, lnk glede wa da i meisiki. Ha naam wa Roikappiki. Sy en ha ma en ha pa bly in i hys lngs i bos.
Ha ouma bly ok naby hille, mar anni anniknt vanni bos.
Op i dag tu sê Roikappiki se ma vi ha: “Roikappiki, di ga hektiek me Ouma, sys lonely en depro.
“Vat vi ha snacks en ga visit ha en chat me ha”.
“Cool,” sê Roikappiki. “Ek luv Ouma. Ouma is gr8.”
“Passop nt vi perverts inni bos,” sê ha ma. “Muni vanni paiki af ganni.”
“Relax nt, Ma. Ok?” sê Roikapiki vi ha ma. “Ek sa fine ws.”
Tu trek Roikapiki ha cool roi jas en kappi an, en grut ha ma: “Luv, Ma. Mwah! Mwah!”
Tu va Roikappiki di manki mt ha Ouma se snacks en stap oppi paiki inni bos in. Sy sie alli pretty blmme inni bos en plk vi ha ouma vanni blmme.
Late tu ga sy vanni paiki af, agte di blmme an.
Inni mean time cruz Wolf ok da rond. Wolf sien vi Rooikapiki en prbr ha opchat. “Luv u’r flowers,” sê Wolf vi ha. “Vi wie plk jy dit?”
Dit freak Roikapiki biki uit. “Get lost, Dude,” sê s vi Wolf. “Ek ga na my ouma tu. M ouma i sk.”
Maar Wolf los ha ni yt ni.
“Jys awesome,” sê hy vi Roikappiki en stp agte ha an. “Kom ons ga chill biki iewers. Suk jy n spliv?”
Tu freak Roikappiki totally uit en hrdlp vi Wolf weg en vdwl inni bos.
“Cool,” dnk Wolf, en ga na Roikappiki se ouma s hys tu.
Hy klp anni deur. “Ga wg!” skr Roikappiki se ouma va binne af. “Hie issi werki! Ga terug townshp tu! Jille ko steel net ons gud!”
“Eks vanni kerk, my anti,” antwrd Wolf. “Ek ko vi anti bid.” LOL.
Roikappiki se ouma maki deur oop.
“Howzit, my anti,” sê Wolf vi ha. “Welcme to the nw Sth Afrca”. LOL.
Roikappiki se ouma freak soos intotally-totally-totally uit tu sy sie dis Wolf. Sy wi 911 bel, ma Wolf grp ha.
“Chill net, my anti,” sê Wolf vi Roikappiki se ouma, en goi ha inni kas.
Tu trek hy Roikappiki se ouma se pjms an en klm i ha bed en wa vi Roikappiki.
Roikappiki suk en suk en kry ltr wee di paiki yt di bos yt. Sy ko by ha ouma se hys an. “Dis funny,” dnk sy tu sy sie di deur is oop.
Tu sy inni kamr ko, sie sy ha ouma is inni bd. Maar ha ouma lyk biki uitgefreak.
“Ah-we, Ouma,” grut sy. “Is ouma fine?”
“Eks fine,” antwrd Wolf. “Ek chill net biki hie inni bed.” LOL.
“O, cool,” sê Roikappiki. “Maar hukom i ouma se ore so grt?”
“Om beter te ka hr, my knd,” antwrd Wolf.
“Awesome,” sê Roikappiki. “En hukom i ouma se o so grt?”
“Om beter te ka 7de Laan kyk oppi TV, my knd.”
“En hukom is ouma se mnd so grt?”
Tu sprng Wolf uit di bed. Wolf wil vi Roikappiki rpe, ma Roikappiki hrdlp by di hys yt, en skr: “Hlp! Hlp! Hlllppp!”
Da naby inni bos is n houtkppr besig om bome af te kp mt sy byl. Hy hr vi Rooikappiki skr en storm op Wolf af. Tu kap hy vi Wolf met sy b. Wolf val oppi grond, dood.
“Ons mut vanni lyk ontslae rk,” sê die houtkppr vir Roikappiki. “Anrs ga ons trnk tu. Dissie mee sos innie ou dae ni.”
Tu vat Roikappiki en die houtkppr vir Wolf en goi hom inni rivr.
“Thanx, Dude,” sê Roikappi vi di houtkppr tu hille kla is. “Jys amazing.”
Hulle gan tu trug na ha ouma se hys tu. Da kry hul tu ha ouma inni kas. Hulle haal ha uit.
“Nou sal ’n koppi tee dam lekkr smaak,” sê Roikappiki se ouma tu en stp na di kombuis tu.
Tu is als wee cool. (;-)
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Monday, 5 November 2012
An Outcry for Help
Millions of People in South Africa are desperate for
Help required might be assistance for support, food,
Financials and the help for employment. They raise an outcry for help from
organizations and ordinary people.
Are we listening to their outcries? Are we trying to help them?
Do we render our support to them?
They are in need and some of these people are too ashamed to
cry out. But most of us know them but we still deny them their right to
Are we too busy getting rich and enriching ourselves? Did we
forget we were in similar situations previously?
People of South
Africa. Open your hearts and listen to the
needy. Take off 1 minute from you schedule and listen. You might be the person
they are reaching out towards.
Friday, 26 October 2012
Die liefde vir Geld
Monday, 22 October 2012
Lions - Semi Finals
For the Lions the Currie Cup has
come to an end . Believed by me to be the favorites they lost in the final
minutes – unfortunately. In no way will I single out a player that could have
caused this mishap. We have tried hard and proved that even with the relegation
of Super 15 we still kept our heads high and proved that we are still a force to
be reckoned with. My congratulations on all the players for an awesome season
and the spirit amongst them.
May the staff and players now take
the next few months to rest and to clear all their negative feelings. We have
lot’s of work to do for preparations for next year. 2013 will be the most
important year in the history of GLRU and I wish all the best of greatness and
success for their futures. Next year will not be fun – but we look forward to
new heights and improvements to this new young team of the Lions. Let’s carry on
to built more friendship and surprise our enemies.
Last , but not least . GLRU have
lots of supporters and I urge management to set an email list of all these
supporters. Then send out a weekly newsletter to all of your supporters and keep
in touch with what’s happening. Lots of supporters do not have internet access
but rely on emails to keep them updated.
On a lighter note – Seen on social
network yesterday
Lions have a new sponsor for next
year. Omo Liquid – Oe Eh Eh – only 1 cap is enough – Oe Eh Eh – only 1
Monday, 8 October 2012
South Africa vs Nieu-Zeeland
The final test of the super series proved to be one of the best games of the season. The Springboks came into this match with spirit and high expectations . They played a good game . Their overall game was of a high standard but they forgot about the pace and the greatness of a good All Black game . Richie Mcall lead his team with proud and Honor. Many a youngster can learn the game by the leadership and work rate of Richie Mcall . True sportsman for Nieu Zeeland and the world. He might be playing un Orthodox and should have been blown for penalties on more than one occasion but we must admit he is a good player. Without his leadership the All Blacks will lose ground and effort.
The springboks played their heart out and faulted on more than one occasion. We cannot blame nervousness or lack of expertise . The played a normal game with not one player standing out as a hero. Their game plan was good but they lack in defence . To many handling errors cost them the game. Their kicking ability was better but there is still a lot to learn.
We might have forgotten but are now reminded why the All Blacks are always (most of the times) the number 1 rugby playing nation in the world
The springboks played their heart out and faulted on more than one occasion. We cannot blame nervousness or lack of expertise . The played a normal game with not one player standing out as a hero. Their game plan was good but they lack in defence . To many handling errors cost them the game. Their kicking ability was better but there is still a lot to learn.
We might have forgotten but are now reminded why the All Blacks are always (most of the times) the number 1 rugby playing nation in the world
Friday, 5 October 2012
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Don't worry be Happy
Here is a little song I
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry be happy
In every life we have some trouble
When you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy......
Ain't got no place to lay your head
Somebody came and took your bed
Don't worry, be happy
The land lord say your rent is late
He may have to litigate
Don't worry, be happy
Look at me I am happy
Don't worry, be happy
Here I give you my phone number
When you worry call me
I make you happy
Don't worry, be happy
Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style
Ain't got not girl to make you smile
But don't worry be happy
Cause when you worry
Your face will frown
And that will bring everybody down
So don't worry, be happy (now).....
There is this little song I wrote
I hope you learn it note for note
Like good little children
Don't worry, be happy
Listen to what I say
In your life expect some trouble
But when you worry
You make it double
Don't worry, be happy......
Don't worry don't do it, be happy
Put a smile on your face
Don't bring everybody down like this
Don't worry, it will soon past
Whatever it is
Don't worry, be happy
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry be happy
In every life we have some trouble
When you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy......
Ain't got no place to lay your head
Somebody came and took your bed
Don't worry, be happy
The land lord say your rent is late
He may have to litigate
Don't worry, be happy
Look at me I am happy
Don't worry, be happy
Here I give you my phone number
When you worry call me
I make you happy
Don't worry, be happy
Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style
Ain't got not girl to make you smile
But don't worry be happy
Cause when you worry
Your face will frown
And that will bring everybody down
So don't worry, be happy (now).....
There is this little song I wrote
I hope you learn it note for note
Like good little children
Don't worry, be happy
Listen to what I say
In your life expect some trouble
But when you worry
You make it double
Don't worry, be happy......
Don't worry don't do it, be happy
Put a smile on your face
Don't bring everybody down like this
Don't worry, it will soon past
Whatever it is
Don't worry, be happy
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Springboks vs Australia
Was very fortunate to watch the
delayed game on sabc between South
Africa and Australia. I have some comments and
would appreciate if this could also be forwarded to Heineke
Yes we have and still have problems
with our kicking section of the game . But never in South African rugby history
have I seen such a dedicated and team effort in any rugby game . Our youngsters
have proved that there is talent in South African rugby after all. I see a big
and bright future in the years ahead. Not one player have failed on Saturday .
Where they missed out on their kicking ability they made up by putting their
hearts , minds and souls to the game. Bryan Habana have proved himself once
again. But who do we singled out for being the hero of the day. Yes there is one
person , and that is the Springbok Team. It was a collective stress free game
where the supporters won. They saw 22 dedicated and true trustworthy Springboks
taking to the field and winning the hearts of the supporters.
I now fear the heads of the old
established players on the injury list . How will they be able to return to the
game. These youngster has proved beyond any doubt that they have the heart to
take on the world . Long gone is the day where your average springbok debut on
age 23 or 24 . The academy of raising young sportsmen has proved 20 to 21 is a
ripe age to start an international career. We have high hopes for the
forthcoming world cup. The masses in South Africa was surprised by the
immensity and courage our young springboks and forgotten real supporters are now
back being the supporters of South African rugby.
If the selectors play their cards
correctly it is going to be more and more difficult to select a team . We have
so many talented players with the same abilities and strength that will make
selection so more difficult.
On a lighter side My Lions team are
still on their way to successful defending of their Currie cup title and that
also makes me a double happy supporter.
Letter to Lions Rugby Players
To The coaching staff and Lions
rugby Players
As a supporter I am aware of the stress that has taken over
your lives. Your monthly income depends on your well being and your ability to succeed.
Injuries are a major factor in your preparations and your training program. The
recent super 15 changes and your defending of the Currie Cup are probably in
your minds at all times.
After all, all of you are just plain human beings. Human
beings that can only do their best in difficult times like today. With all these
factors I must comment you on what you have achieved and still are achieving. Yes
we have lost lot of talent due to super15 relegation and injuries but still you
managed to keep your heads up high and still being proud to be associated with
the Lions Rugby Union. The remaining real supporters are still behind you and
cheering for honor. Some of us outside of Gauteng are still glued to the radios to
support and cheer you on your quest to the successful defending of the Currie
Cup. The stadium is still packed and there is still life in the supporters.
Your management and presidential team are still fighting for your surviving and
all is not lost yet. You have not been forgotten and there are still people
that believe in the Lions and in you as team. I am aware of speculation of some
of the team members that will be saying farewell to the lions team.
But I would like to congratulate and honor those of you that
are still staying aboard and wants to see the Lions on top again. It would have
been hard for all of you to decide to stay aboard. Some of you might be losing
good opportunities but we say thanks for your royalty. Our blood is red and we
believe in a winning team that will rise from the ashes and surprise friend and
enemy with your loyalty towards the Lions Rugby Union
To all of you I say thanks to being true sportsmen and to
your dedication to the rugby supporters of South Africa
Minister of sport
As Minister of sport I would like to applaud your
enthusiasm, your willingness to support and build the image of South African
sport. Your commitment to results and your acknowledgement of achievements are
noticed by the wider public and supporters of many a sport. I would like to have
the opportunity to express my views
As a supporter the feeling in me is that in sport in
general there are 3 major entities that make up a sports team and according to
these criteria mentions and recommendations are based upon these people. Sport
Administrators and the team managers and support team are seen as the backbone
of success in sport. The players are the heart of the team and have to perform
according to the laid down plans and projections as been laid down by the
management team. The sponsors are there to feed money and power into the
In all committee or management positions you will find
individuals of different professionals to tend to the day to day running of
sport in South
Africa. These people are allowed to comment or
to question different aspects of problems within the professions. 9 times out of
ten these professionals will get the opportunity to be listened to and this
could affect outcome of decisions. Was there ever the scenario that the
different supporter groups or just plain supporters being allowed in any
decision making? Although small their contribution to sport does mean something.
Imagine empty stadiums should supporters no longer support a sporting match.
We as supporters do mean something. So please don’t
ignore us and allow us to be involved in decision making as well.
Friday, 14 September 2012
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Thumbs up to workers
This dedication goes out to all workers unhappy in their working environment in regards to environment and salaries
THUMBS UP - To those workers that found alternative employment with better salaries and working environments
THUMBS UP - To all those employees that lost good workers because they produced bad work environments and low salaries
THUMBS UP - To those workers that found alternative employment with better salaries and working environments
THUMBS UP - To all those employees that lost good workers because they produced bad work environments and low salaries
Monday, 10 September 2012
My Post 1994
Here is my humble views how i feel what had happened and the way i see this period from 1994 - current . It;s is my own views and does not reflect on what happened prior to 1994. This is now and this how i feel today
Too many violence related to politics. Politicians are doing it for the money and to enriched themselves and their friends. No party in SA can today say that they stand for what they stand. Corruption is all over
I don't know the meaning of this word. Their is no schooling in SA . No dedication from teachers and Scholars . No discipline . So easy to pass the standards with Matric work not even close to what i had to do in primary school.
Service delivery
I am lucky to say that i am in a place where we have service delivery . But i feel ashamed and sorry for the 99% of the other metros in South Africa with no services
Crime and violence
There is no words to describe how we feel about the violence and crime . Our elderly people feels the burden and nobody feels safe. No control and no penalties for doing wrong
What a joke . Who you know qualifies you for a job. Not your expertise . Colour is the main entrance to any position.
Social development
Too many and too easy to get a grant. Money plays a role and not all gets what they deserve. People get paid grants while they still have permanent jobs
Our Nation
Corrupt , irresponsible , ill Discipline , Shameful Nation, We have no proudness for our country anymore
Political playground - Players getting too much money and don't pride them anymore to excelled in their sport
Alone , depressed , Partly employed , Living of the scraps offered as what they call a salary , and sometime sorrow for being a white person
Too many violence related to politics. Politicians are doing it for the money and to enriched themselves and their friends. No party in SA can today say that they stand for what they stand. Corruption is all over
I don't know the meaning of this word. Their is no schooling in SA . No dedication from teachers and Scholars . No discipline . So easy to pass the standards with Matric work not even close to what i had to do in primary school.
Service delivery
I am lucky to say that i am in a place where we have service delivery . But i feel ashamed and sorry for the 99% of the other metros in South Africa with no services
Crime and violence
There is no words to describe how we feel about the violence and crime . Our elderly people feels the burden and nobody feels safe. No control and no penalties for doing wrong
What a joke . Who you know qualifies you for a job. Not your expertise . Colour is the main entrance to any position.
Social development
Too many and too easy to get a grant. Money plays a role and not all gets what they deserve. People get paid grants while they still have permanent jobs
Our Nation
Corrupt , irresponsible , ill Discipline , Shameful Nation, We have no proudness for our country anymore
Political playground - Players getting too much money and don't pride them anymore to excelled in their sport
Alone , depressed , Partly employed , Living of the scraps offered as what they call a salary , and sometime sorrow for being a white person
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Ouderdom 50 - 60
Wat moet gebeur as ons die ouderdom bo 50 bereik
Moet dit 'n jeugtige typerk in ons lewe wees . of moet die tyd van ons lewe wees waar angs , depressie en probleme ons lewe oorval. Is dit ook die tyd wat ons vreugdes in die lewe gesteel word?
Gaan ons gebukkend onder swaar skuldlaste met slarisse wat nie eens die punt van die ysberg van skuld raak nie. Is ons gedagtes vol van hoe? waar ? wanneer ? hoekom.
Bereik ons nou die tydperk van ons lewe wat ons moet vrees vir behoud van ons werk en salaris .Hoeveel mense daar buite dink nou aan selfmoord en verwyte van 'n lewe wat nie was of is soos ons beplan het nie.
Dink ons aan die pensioen wat nie daar is nie , want in die platteland is daar nie dinge soos pensioen en medies in salarisse ingebou nie. Sit ons maar agteroor en hoop dat die skete en kwale ons nie aanraak nie maar verby beweeg na iemand anders.
Hoop ons maar na die barmhartige samaritaan wat ons sal aanraak en help met ons behoeftes want in vandag se lewe word daar vergeet van ons bejaarde mense. Ons sukkel nog om te besef dat ons lewe stadig nader aan ons einde beweeg met die besef dat daar so baie is wat ons nog nie gedoen het nie , so baie wat ons nie bereik het nie.
Waar sal ons hulp vandaan kom ? Hoeveel jong en volwasse kinders is so besig om rykdom en gemak na te jaag dat hulle ouers nie meer deel is van hulle prioriteite nie. Hoeveel bejaarde mense sien hulle kinders nie meer as 1 keer per jaar nie. Wat het geword van die opofferinge wat daardie bejaardes aan hulle kinders gegee het nie
Wie gee nog om . Is daar nog sulke mense in Suid Afrika of is hulle bang daar word te veel gevra van hulle.
Moet dit 'n jeugtige typerk in ons lewe wees . of moet die tyd van ons lewe wees waar angs , depressie en probleme ons lewe oorval. Is dit ook die tyd wat ons vreugdes in die lewe gesteel word?
Gaan ons gebukkend onder swaar skuldlaste met slarisse wat nie eens die punt van die ysberg van skuld raak nie. Is ons gedagtes vol van hoe? waar ? wanneer ? hoekom.
Bereik ons nou die tydperk van ons lewe wat ons moet vrees vir behoud van ons werk en salaris .Hoeveel mense daar buite dink nou aan selfmoord en verwyte van 'n lewe wat nie was of is soos ons beplan het nie.
Dink ons aan die pensioen wat nie daar is nie , want in die platteland is daar nie dinge soos pensioen en medies in salarisse ingebou nie. Sit ons maar agteroor en hoop dat die skete en kwale ons nie aanraak nie maar verby beweeg na iemand anders.
Hoop ons maar na die barmhartige samaritaan wat ons sal aanraak en help met ons behoeftes want in vandag se lewe word daar vergeet van ons bejaarde mense. Ons sukkel nog om te besef dat ons lewe stadig nader aan ons einde beweeg met die besef dat daar so baie is wat ons nog nie gedoen het nie , so baie wat ons nie bereik het nie.
Waar sal ons hulp vandaan kom ? Hoeveel jong en volwasse kinders is so besig om rykdom en gemak na te jaag dat hulle ouers nie meer deel is van hulle prioriteite nie. Hoeveel bejaarde mense sien hulle kinders nie meer as 1 keer per jaar nie. Wat het geword van die opofferinge wat daardie bejaardes aan hulle kinders gegee het nie
Wie gee nog om . Is daar nog sulke mense in Suid Afrika of is hulle bang daar word te veel gevra van hulle.
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
Lions Rugby Players - What will they do
Dad , What’s that dark place in the
Distance ?
That’s the other Rugby
unions Simba , you must promise
NEVER to go there.
Friday, 31 August 2012
Is gewone mense nog mense
Is die gewone man op straat sonder identiteit . Bestaan hy nog . Het hy nog betekenis is hierdie ou lewe van ons.
Ongelukkig is daar nog menige van ons wat nie 'n VIP of 'n Direkteur of 'n CEO of 'n politikus is nie.
Kan ons dan nog meeding in die dinge in ons land. As ons wil opstaan en briewe skryf of skakel dan is dit gewoonlik 'n skakelbeampte of 'n sekretaresse wat die brief kry of die telefoon beantwoord. En jy kan maar seker dan weet dat die VIP ongelukkig uit is en dat 'n boodskap geneem sal word.
Maar jy sal ook nooit weer enige terugvoering kry in die verband nie. Die VIP sal ook nooit daardie boodskap kry nie. Maar snaaks dat hierdie sekretaresse of Skakelbeampte altyd die vriendelikste en soetsappigste persoon is wat altyd sal simpatiseer oor jou probleem.
Ek hoop dat hierdie persone darem in die aande kan slaap nadat hulle die hele dag besig was om mense te mislei en nie gedoen het wat deur die gewone persoon gevra is nie.
Ongelukkig is daar nog menige van ons wat nie 'n VIP of 'n Direkteur of 'n CEO of 'n politikus is nie.
Kan ons dan nog meeding in die dinge in ons land. As ons wil opstaan en briewe skryf of skakel dan is dit gewoonlik 'n skakelbeampte of 'n sekretaresse wat die brief kry of die telefoon beantwoord. En jy kan maar seker dan weet dat die VIP ongelukkig uit is en dat 'n boodskap geneem sal word.
Maar jy sal ook nooit weer enige terugvoering kry in die verband nie. Die VIP sal ook nooit daardie boodskap kry nie. Maar snaaks dat hierdie sekretaresse of Skakelbeampte altyd die vriendelikste en soetsappigste persoon is wat altyd sal simpatiseer oor jou probleem.
Ek hoop dat hierdie persone darem in die aande kan slaap nadat hulle die hele dag besig was om mense te mislei en nie gedoen het wat deur die gewone persoon gevra is nie.
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
In the beginning of time the animals were living in harmony
but had no leader. The animals all gathered and decided to choose an animal to
lead them in their kingdom. King Lion was chosen to be the leader of the
animals. For centuries everything in the wild was normal and calm under King
Lions rule.
Then one day something strange happened in the wild. An
object falls from the sky and at first the animals were very afraid of this
strange soft like object. It wasn’t round; it wasn’t eatable and tasted like nothing.
Up to today nobody can tell how it happened. But all of a sudden the animals
starting to use this objects to play a game they called rugby. And all of a
sudden their was something to do in the animal kingdom. It became so popular
that even the sea animals and the birds join in to play. The following herds
started to form their teams :
Bulls,Falcons,Cheetas,Griffons,Peecocks,Lions,Leopards,Pumas, Sharks,Cavalaries
, Stormers , Wildebeeste, Elephants , Bulldogs and Eagles.
But soon there was big fighting under the animals because
every one liked to play the game in a manner that they see fit. So it happened
that the vicious of the animals normally won the game and there were more
fighting than games played. King Lion decides that he had to restore the peace
under the animals and like it is with democracy he decides to go the route of a
commission to establish rules and to oversee all the games played by the herds.
At first he decided on those animals that appear to be old and not really able
to play the games. The Baboons was too scary but eventually he decided on the
Giraffes. Because of their long wobbly legs and their long legs they looked
down on the animals and would be the ideal candidates to oversee the rules etc
of the new game.
Everything seem to be working out fine but as social needs
expands the animals were still not happy and started to form gangs to improve
their abilities and skills . 5 Major Gangs merged from these gansterisms
- The Lion Gang and they consisted of the Lions , Leopards and the Pumas
- The Bulls Gang and they consisted of the Bulls and the Falcons
- The Cheetas Gang and they consist of the Cheetas , Griffons and Griquas
- The Sharks Gang – they fought the battle alone because nobody wanted to join
- The Stormers Gang and they consisted of the Stormers and the Boland Cavaliers
Smaller animal herbs were not included in the make up of
these Gang herds and tried to fight the games on their own. Like the Elephants,
the bulldogs and the eagles.
With all these gansterism in the games the Overseeing
Giraffes had their hands in their heads because their problems don’t seem to
end. The animals keep on moaning and nagging and powers from other angle keep
on interfering with the games and the competitors. The animals were so unhappy
that power and hunger were taking over the spectacular games they witnessed.
They don’t want their animal teams to be mixed. They want their own herds to
stay together. They wanted to see 15 lions or 15 bulls in a game , not 10 lions
,1 bull , 1 shark and 2 cheetas together mixed up in their Herd game.
And then the strangest of strange occurrence took place. The
forgotten 3 small Herds were struggling on their own and felt completely left
in the dark. With an uproar and with pressure on the other Herds and the overseeing
Giraffes they formed their own gang and called themselves the Emerging
Political KINGS and demanded to be included and be recognized. The overseeing
Giraffes now had a major problem on their hands. Their constitution only
allowed for 5 gangs and now there were six. What to do now. Maybe as their last
effort they decide not to make a decision. Instead they call all the Herds and
gangs together and force these Herds now to make a decision. All the Herds were
in mayhem because they believed that the overseeing Girafes should have made
the decision.
The scheduled meeting started and voting took place. All the
Herds waited for hours for the results. Then a shocking result came out. Nobody
knew why the Herd leaders voted in this manner. But the Herd of King Lion had
been voted out. The result was final and King Lion was devastated with the
decision. He, the King of the animal kingdom had been voted out and his Herd of
Lions will not be one of the gangs anymore. Why did this happen to King Lion
and who will now be the king of the animals. Will a new king be selected to
rule over the lions or will all the animals be without leadership.
But ex-King Lion had to accept the ruling. But the lion
tribe and their supporters will not leak their wounds and disappear. They will
fight back and return triumphantly
Epilogue. The moral of this story has nothing to do with
racism or apartheid. The moral is that when money and power becomes part of
sport , then the amateurism of the sport disappear
Thursday, 23 August 2012
My irritations
1. People with sunglasses on indoors and during interviews
2. Drivers With kids and dogs on their laps while driving
3. Dogs in shops
4. People walking and texting while walking
5. Cellphone texting in company of others
6. Stupid advertising
7. Poor service delivery
8. Basically anything to do with cellphones
9. Parent with no control over their children in supermarkets
10. Arrogance of pedestrians and cyclist
11. People who think they're better than other
12. People flaunting and bragging with their money
13. Luxury car owners who believe tho road belongs to then
14. People talking about subject the don't know much about
2. Drivers With kids and dogs on their laps while driving
3. Dogs in shops
4. People walking and texting while walking
5. Cellphone texting in company of others
6. Stupid advertising
7. Poor service delivery
8. Basically anything to do with cellphones
9. Parent with no control over their children in supermarkets
10. Arrogance of pedestrians and cyclist
11. People who think they're better than other
12. People flaunting and bragging with their money
13. Luxury car owners who believe tho road belongs to then
14. People talking about subject the don't know much about
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Decision Makers
Just a simple question to see who gets the correct answer
Who is the decision makers in South Africa ?
Your answers might be any of the following -]
The President
Cabinet Ministers
The president or Cabinet Ministers or Ceo or Directors have secretaries and spokespersons that deal with their emails and letters and telephone calls.
They will decide if they will transfer you or show the letter and email to the recipient
So , if you answer was - the secretary or spokesperson then
Who is the decision makers in South Africa ?
Your answers might be any of the following -]
The President
Cabinet Ministers
The president or Cabinet Ministers or Ceo or Directors have secretaries and spokespersons that deal with their emails and letters and telephone calls.
They will decide if they will transfer you or show the letter and email to the recipient
So , if you answer was - the secretary or spokesperson then
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
Sportmanskap en sport etiket
As jy op die grond is , dan trap hulle jou. As jy staan , dan verneder en skinder hulle oor jou. Die Lions rugby unie se probleme is nie op 'n einde nie . Sportmanskap beteken uitreiking tot jou naaste en nie neem van jou naaste soos nou die geval is nie .
Uitreksel van berig in Beeld 22 Augustus 2012. Lions spelers word alreeds oorwweg deur ander provinsies om "gekoop " of "afgerokkel te word.
Wat het van etiket in sport geword?”
Kevin de Klerk, president van die Goue Leeus Rugbyunie, het gister kalm, dog diep teleurgesteld, met hierdie vraag gereageer op gerugte dat ander unies op van sy spelers se dienste jag wil maak.
Die Lions het verlede week hul status as Super-rugbyspan vir 2013 verloor.
Die Stormers-breier, Allister Coetzee, het vandeesweek in ’n gesprek oor kontraktering geskimp dat hy en ander franchises “sal kyk of Lions-spelers beskikbaar gaan wees”.
Hy het toe verwys na die losskakel Elton Jantjies, wat onder diegene tel “met ’n uitkom-klousule in sy kontrak as die Lions nie in die Super-reeks speel nie”.
De Klerk het in reaksie daarop aan Sport24 gesê dat nagenoeg 98% van die Lions vas gekontrakteer is, maar “dat daar wel een of twee is met sulke klousules”.
Na verneem word, stel ook die Haaie in Jantjies se dienste belang, terwyl die aanvraag na die stut Pat Cilliers skielik ná sy Springbok-buiging van Saterdag wyd uitgekring het.
De Klerk was egter meer gegrief oor die asery na sy spelers as oor die fynere detail in die papierwerk.
“Ek hou regtig baie van Allister, maar ek is absoluut verbaas dat hy nie twee keer gedink het voordat hy so ’n opportunistiese stelling gemaak het nie.
“Waar is die gees van sport en respek tussen ons?
“Wat hier aan die gang is, is nie sport nie.
“Wat met ons gebeur het, was nie ons besluit nie.
“En kan die ander unies nie net vir ’n rukkie uit respek en begrip vir ’n susterunie se moeilike tyd ophou met wat nou aan die gang is nie?
“Ek vra mooi dat hulle net ’n bietjie etiket aan die dag sal lê,” het De Klerk gesê.
Hy was veral vies oor die impak van sulke gerugte op die spelers: “Ons sit nie op ons hande nie. Hier is spelers se toekoms in die gedrang – en dis onregverdig teenoor hulle om nou so in die openbaar na hul beskikbaarheid te verneem.”
Die Leeus se Curriebeker-kaptein, JC Janse van Rensburg, probeer sy spelers intussen gefokus hou.
“Dis nie maklik nie en ons het nie sekerheid oor die toekoms nie. Maar as ’n span het ons vir onsself gesê dat niemand buitendien voor die einde van die Curriebeker-reeks kan skuif na ’n ander unie nie.
“Daarom bly ons fokus om die volgende agt wedstryde, ’n halfeindstryd en die eindstryd te wen. Dis ons hoofdoel om weer die beker te lig.
“Daarmee durf ons hierdie Curriebeker aan, sodat ons aan almal kan wys waartoe ons ondanks hierdie moeilike tye in staat is,” het hy gesê.
Uitreksel van berig in Beeld 22 Augustus 2012. Lions spelers word alreeds oorwweg deur ander provinsies om "gekoop " of "afgerokkel te word.
Wat het van etiket in sport geword?”
Kevin de Klerk, president van die Goue Leeus Rugbyunie, het gister kalm, dog diep teleurgesteld, met hierdie vraag gereageer op gerugte dat ander unies op van sy spelers se dienste jag wil maak.
Die Lions het verlede week hul status as Super-rugbyspan vir 2013 verloor.
Die Stormers-breier, Allister Coetzee, het vandeesweek in ’n gesprek oor kontraktering geskimp dat hy en ander franchises “sal kyk of Lions-spelers beskikbaar gaan wees”.
Hy het toe verwys na die losskakel Elton Jantjies, wat onder diegene tel “met ’n uitkom-klousule in sy kontrak as die Lions nie in die Super-reeks speel nie”.
De Klerk het in reaksie daarop aan Sport24 gesê dat nagenoeg 98% van die Lions vas gekontrakteer is, maar “dat daar wel een of twee is met sulke klousules”.
Na verneem word, stel ook die Haaie in Jantjies se dienste belang, terwyl die aanvraag na die stut Pat Cilliers skielik ná sy Springbok-buiging van Saterdag wyd uitgekring het.
De Klerk was egter meer gegrief oor die asery na sy spelers as oor die fynere detail in die papierwerk.
“Ek hou regtig baie van Allister, maar ek is absoluut verbaas dat hy nie twee keer gedink het voordat hy so ’n opportunistiese stelling gemaak het nie.
“Waar is die gees van sport en respek tussen ons?
“Wat hier aan die gang is, is nie sport nie.
“Wat met ons gebeur het, was nie ons besluit nie.
“En kan die ander unies nie net vir ’n rukkie uit respek en begrip vir ’n susterunie se moeilike tyd ophou met wat nou aan die gang is nie?
“Ek vra mooi dat hulle net ’n bietjie etiket aan die dag sal lê,” het De Klerk gesê.
Hy was veral vies oor die impak van sulke gerugte op die spelers: “Ons sit nie op ons hande nie. Hier is spelers se toekoms in die gedrang – en dis onregverdig teenoor hulle om nou so in die openbaar na hul beskikbaarheid te verneem.”
Die Leeus se Curriebeker-kaptein, JC Janse van Rensburg, probeer sy spelers intussen gefokus hou.
“Dis nie maklik nie en ons het nie sekerheid oor die toekoms nie. Maar as ’n span het ons vir onsself gesê dat niemand buitendien voor die einde van die Curriebeker-reeks kan skuif na ’n ander unie nie.
“Daarom bly ons fokus om die volgende agt wedstryde, ’n halfeindstryd en die eindstryd te wen. Dis ons hoofdoel om weer die beker te lig.
“Daarmee durf ons hierdie Curriebeker aan, sodat ons aan almal kan wys waartoe ons ondanks hierdie moeilike tye in staat is,” het hy gesê.
Monday, 20 August 2012
Lions out of Super 15
At the end of each “Survivor” TV program one of the
contestants are being eliminated via votes from the other contestants. The
evicted player walks up to the podium with his torch. After the words “The
tribe has spoken “, the flame of life are put out and the player leaves the
playing area. No word spoken, just the mere acceptance of the decision of the
In real life the Lions rugby Union journey in the Super 15
series has come to end for 2012. Life, if the Lions succeed in their preparations,
might be given again for the Super15 series in 2014. But that is a 2 years from
We must be humble and congratulate the EP Kings in their
quest and wish them success in their Super 15 journey, but also issue them a
warning that the Lions will not die but will be fighting back for re-admittance
to the next Super15 series
We can argue this scenario in so many ways, but the fact of
this matter is that the EP Kings got the vote from the majority of the Rugby
unions in South Africa
and we as disgruntled and unhappy supporters will have to accept the decision
as it was made by the other unions.
We live to a standard that we always want to fight any
decision if it doesn’t favor us. Why can’t we just accept and retreat in an
honest and respectful way and start planning for our Future
The media was full of financial, injuries and fight within
the union that eventually caused the Lions downfall. Will we as Lions be losing
our respect and the respect of the other if we challenge this decision? I am
only a supporter and not part of The Lions Rugby Union but may I me allowed to
assist with my ideas.
We are out of the super league and must now fight forward
with dignity and proud.
- GLRU union to hold a general Union meeting and to send invites to all Players, Management, Sponsors, Media and supporters to attend the general meeting. Use this meeting to gather information of what is needed or expected of the future
- All players and Management not happy within the current structure should be allowed to join other Unions to continue their passion.
- A new management team with people for the passion of the game (and not money) is assigned to take the Union forward. The new look Lions team should be full of passionate people and not people in it for the money and maybe the management team could consist of Players , managers and also Supporter and Sponsor representative that attends all meetings.
- We have up two 2 years to built up a strong and successful Lions team to play and win relegation for the Super15 for the 2014 season
I have forwarded request for comments to both Mr DeKlerk and
Mr Watson and will be publishing it on the blog as soon as I receive it
Friday, 17 August 2012
Mede blogger se opinie oor Lions / Kings sage
Goeie dag,
en welkom by Hoofsweep se blog!
Sommige van die lesers mag Hoofsweep dalk onthou van die “Praters Gazette” dae – ja, goeie ou dae. Wel, Hoofsweep is terug, meer “random” as ooit tevore.
Vandag wil Hoofsweep graag ‘n paar van sy gedagtes deel oor die Lions/Kings Super Rugby debakel.
Hoofsweep en sy kollega het gister in spanning gesit en wag om te hoor wat die uitslag van die stemmery sou wees, en hoewel dit nie verloop het soos Hoofsweep gehoop het nie, moet Hoofsweep erken, dit was min of meer wat hy verwag het. SA Rugby kon dit nou al vir jare regkry om die issue van die Kings te “side-step”, maar sou nie langer kon uithou nie.
Hoofsweep se aanvanklike gedagte was dalk die manne wat gestem het seker gesuip of gebribe moes wees, maar het intussen van besluit verander.
Beste vir Suid-Afrikaanse Rugby:
Aan die einde van die dag was die besluit die beste vir Suid-Afrikaanse rugby. Hoe so, mag julle vra. Wel, Hoofsweep gee die volgende 3 redes:
1. Suid-Afriks se beste span in Super Rugby die afgelope jaar, die Sharks, hoef minstens nie volgende jaar hulle te bekommer daaroor om op Ellispark te verloor nie! (Ja, ek weet die Stormer ondersteuners gaan sê hulle was die sterkste span, maar die Sharks het verder gevorder. Hulle was immers in die eindstryud!)
2. Vir die Sharks, Bulls, Stormers en Cheetahs is daar nou die versekering van 2 bonus punt oorwinnings in die Super rugby reeks, ‘n versekering wat hulle nooit met die onvoorspelbare Lions gehad het nie. (Ja, die Lions was onvoorspelbaar. Hulle het wel meeste van die tyd verloor, maar jy het nooit geweet wanneer hulle skielik sou besluit om ‘n game te speel nie.)
3. Nou kan ons terugsit en kyk hoe Cheeky en sy ANC-tjommies die “Konings-van-die-houtlepel” begrawe. Die volgende seisoen behoort te bewys dat politieke kontakte op die regte plekke NIE beteken jy kan rugby speel nie!
Enige nadele?
Wel, behalwe vir die Lions wat ‘n aantal spelers gaan verloor, kan Hoofsweep net aan een nadeel van hierdie besluit dink – AL die Nieu-Seelandse en Australiese spanne is ook verseker van 2 bonuspunt oorwinnings volgende seisoen! Selfs die Rebels sal nou ‘n toerwedstryd kan wen!
Die Stemmery
Hoofsweep het vertroulik verneem dat die 6 stemme ten gunste van die Lions, soos volg uitgereik was : Lions (2), Sharks (2) en Bulls (2). Hoofsweep moet erken dat die Bulls se stem geen verrassing is nie, want hy kan nie eens onthou wanneer laas die Bulls teen die Lions verloor het in ‘n Super wedstryd nie. Die Bulls sou dus eerder vir hulself 2 bonuspunt oorwinnings wou verseker, wat hulle ‘n “edge” bo die ander SA spanne sou gee. Die Sharks se stem, aan die ander kant, is ‘n groot verrassing, veral aangesien hulle nie ‘n Super rugby wedstryd op Ellispark kan wen nie! Die ouens wat gestem het was seker “high” of iets.
Hoofsweep kon nie help om kliphard van die lag uit te bars toe hy Cheeky se onderhoud gisteraand op SABC nuus sien nie. Die man is al klaar besig om verskonings te maak vir sy span se patetiese vertonings, en hulle het nog nie eens ‘n game gespeel nie! Volgens hom is dit “onredelik” om te verwag dat hulle in so kort tydjie ‘n span moet ontwikkel! Blykbaar gaan hy ook appelleer teen die beslissing dat hulle net vir ‘n jaar van ‘n plek gewaarborg is! As hy wil appelleer, aanvaar Hoofsweep dat hy ook teen die Kings en vir die Lions gestem het. Maar, aangesien die 6 stemme vir die Lions reeds hierbo geidentifiseer is, smaak dit mos vir Hoofsweep asof Cheeky teen sy eie besluit wil appelleer! Dis die nuwe Suid-Afrika vir jou!
Klink my die storm het nog lank nie opgeklaar nie. Kevin de Klerk en die Lions se regsspan is al klaar besig om te kyk hoe hulle SA Rugby kan opskroef!
Wat Hoofsweep egter dwars in die krop steek, is die “cry-baby” houding van die Lions – nie die ondersteuners of die administrateurs nie, maar die spelers! Kyk, moet nou nie vir Hoofsweep mis verstaan nie – Hoofsweep is en bly ‘n Leeu ondersteuner, maar hierdie houding krap maar erg! Kom ons kyk gou waarom Hoofsweep so sê:
In 2010 presteer die Lions maar pateties in die Super reeks (niks nuuts nie). ‘n Nuwe afrigter word aangestel, wat in die Curriebeker reeks wys dat daar tog hoof is van herstel. Hy bou span. In 2011 pak die Lions die Super reeks hoopvol aan, maar hul prestasie is die swakste tot nog toe. Hierna hergropeer hulle en wen die Curriebeker! Bravo! Die 2012 Super reeks spring met groot belofte af, maar die res van die reeks verloop droewig. Na aan die einde gaan huil die spelers by Oom Kevin dat die Coach te hard is met hulle, en die Coach word gefire.
Noudat die Lions nie volgende jaar in die Super reeks speel nie, soek al wat ‘n speler is ‘n kontrak iewers anders. Hier is Hoofsweep se probleem – dit is dieselfde spelers wat te flippen LAMSAK was om hul beste te gee in die Super reeks en te help verseker dat die Lions se plek NIE in die gedrang kom nie! Dit is nie Oom Kevin, Coach John of die ondersteuners se skuld dat die Lions hul plek kwyt is nie, dis die flippen spelers s’n! Maar nou voel hulle die Lions ondersteun hulle nie genoeg nie, so Franse klubs, die Sharks, Cheetahs, Stormers en Bulls word almal ‘n paar Lions ryker! Pass-the-buck, as jy Hoofsweep vra.
In elkgeval, Hoofsweep gaan verseker die verwikkelinge oor die volgende paar maande dophou. En, goeie nuus vir die Stormers – Hoofsweep sal actually vir julle skree wanneer julle teen die “Kings-of-last-place” speel.
Klap daai sweep, tot volgende keer.
Sommige van die lesers mag Hoofsweep dalk onthou van die “Praters Gazette” dae – ja, goeie ou dae. Wel, Hoofsweep is terug, meer “random” as ooit tevore.
Vandag wil Hoofsweep graag ‘n paar van sy gedagtes deel oor die Lions/Kings Super Rugby debakel.
Hoofsweep en sy kollega het gister in spanning gesit en wag om te hoor wat die uitslag van die stemmery sou wees, en hoewel dit nie verloop het soos Hoofsweep gehoop het nie, moet Hoofsweep erken, dit was min of meer wat hy verwag het. SA Rugby kon dit nou al vir jare regkry om die issue van die Kings te “side-step”, maar sou nie langer kon uithou nie.
Hoofsweep se aanvanklike gedagte was dalk die manne wat gestem het seker gesuip of gebribe moes wees, maar het intussen van besluit verander.
Beste vir Suid-Afrikaanse Rugby:
Aan die einde van die dag was die besluit die beste vir Suid-Afrikaanse rugby. Hoe so, mag julle vra. Wel, Hoofsweep gee die volgende 3 redes:
1. Suid-Afriks se beste span in Super Rugby die afgelope jaar, die Sharks, hoef minstens nie volgende jaar hulle te bekommer daaroor om op Ellispark te verloor nie! (Ja, ek weet die Stormer ondersteuners gaan sê hulle was die sterkste span, maar die Sharks het verder gevorder. Hulle was immers in die eindstryud!)
2. Vir die Sharks, Bulls, Stormers en Cheetahs is daar nou die versekering van 2 bonus punt oorwinnings in die Super rugby reeks, ‘n versekering wat hulle nooit met die onvoorspelbare Lions gehad het nie. (Ja, die Lions was onvoorspelbaar. Hulle het wel meeste van die tyd verloor, maar jy het nooit geweet wanneer hulle skielik sou besluit om ‘n game te speel nie.)
3. Nou kan ons terugsit en kyk hoe Cheeky en sy ANC-tjommies die “Konings-van-die-houtlepel” begrawe. Die volgende seisoen behoort te bewys dat politieke kontakte op die regte plekke NIE beteken jy kan rugby speel nie!
Enige nadele?
Wel, behalwe vir die Lions wat ‘n aantal spelers gaan verloor, kan Hoofsweep net aan een nadeel van hierdie besluit dink – AL die Nieu-Seelandse en Australiese spanne is ook verseker van 2 bonuspunt oorwinnings volgende seisoen! Selfs die Rebels sal nou ‘n toerwedstryd kan wen!
Die Stemmery
Hoofsweep het vertroulik verneem dat die 6 stemme ten gunste van die Lions, soos volg uitgereik was : Lions (2), Sharks (2) en Bulls (2). Hoofsweep moet erken dat die Bulls se stem geen verrassing is nie, want hy kan nie eens onthou wanneer laas die Bulls teen die Lions verloor het in ‘n Super wedstryd nie. Die Bulls sou dus eerder vir hulself 2 bonuspunt oorwinnings wou verseker, wat hulle ‘n “edge” bo die ander SA spanne sou gee. Die Sharks se stem, aan die ander kant, is ‘n groot verrassing, veral aangesien hulle nie ‘n Super rugby wedstryd op Ellispark kan wen nie! Die ouens wat gestem het was seker “high” of iets.
Hoofsweep kon nie help om kliphard van die lag uit te bars toe hy Cheeky se onderhoud gisteraand op SABC nuus sien nie. Die man is al klaar besig om verskonings te maak vir sy span se patetiese vertonings, en hulle het nog nie eens ‘n game gespeel nie! Volgens hom is dit “onredelik” om te verwag dat hulle in so kort tydjie ‘n span moet ontwikkel! Blykbaar gaan hy ook appelleer teen die beslissing dat hulle net vir ‘n jaar van ‘n plek gewaarborg is! As hy wil appelleer, aanvaar Hoofsweep dat hy ook teen die Kings en vir die Lions gestem het. Maar, aangesien die 6 stemme vir die Lions reeds hierbo geidentifiseer is, smaak dit mos vir Hoofsweep asof Cheeky teen sy eie besluit wil appelleer! Dis die nuwe Suid-Afrika vir jou!
Klink my die storm het nog lank nie opgeklaar nie. Kevin de Klerk en die Lions se regsspan is al klaar besig om te kyk hoe hulle SA Rugby kan opskroef!
Wat Hoofsweep egter dwars in die krop steek, is die “cry-baby” houding van die Lions – nie die ondersteuners of die administrateurs nie, maar die spelers! Kyk, moet nou nie vir Hoofsweep mis verstaan nie – Hoofsweep is en bly ‘n Leeu ondersteuner, maar hierdie houding krap maar erg! Kom ons kyk gou waarom Hoofsweep so sê:
In 2010 presteer die Lions maar pateties in die Super reeks (niks nuuts nie). ‘n Nuwe afrigter word aangestel, wat in die Curriebeker reeks wys dat daar tog hoof is van herstel. Hy bou span. In 2011 pak die Lions die Super reeks hoopvol aan, maar hul prestasie is die swakste tot nog toe. Hierna hergropeer hulle en wen die Curriebeker! Bravo! Die 2012 Super reeks spring met groot belofte af, maar die res van die reeks verloop droewig. Na aan die einde gaan huil die spelers by Oom Kevin dat die Coach te hard is met hulle, en die Coach word gefire.
Noudat die Lions nie volgende jaar in die Super reeks speel nie, soek al wat ‘n speler is ‘n kontrak iewers anders. Hier is Hoofsweep se probleem – dit is dieselfde spelers wat te flippen LAMSAK was om hul beste te gee in die Super reeks en te help verseker dat die Lions se plek NIE in die gedrang kom nie! Dit is nie Oom Kevin, Coach John of die ondersteuners se skuld dat die Lions hul plek kwyt is nie, dis die flippen spelers s’n! Maar nou voel hulle die Lions ondersteun hulle nie genoeg nie, so Franse klubs, die Sharks, Cheetahs, Stormers en Bulls word almal ‘n paar Lions ryker! Pass-the-buck, as jy Hoofsweep vra.
In elkgeval, Hoofsweep gaan verseker die verwikkelinge oor die volgende paar maande dophou. En, goeie nuus vir die Stormers – Hoofsweep sal actually vir julle skree wanneer julle teen die “Kings-of-last-place” speel.
Klap daai sweep, tot volgende keer.
As 'n stoere Lions ondersteuning is dit 'n riem onder die hart na die aankondiging van die Kings se sege tot die Sper Rugby eenheid
Ek sit nog met gemengde gevoelens en woede en hartseer . Nog my gedagtes op 'n positiewe wyse nog bymekaar te kry om te reageer op die uitkoms en die pad vorentoe vir beide spanne.
Sal binnekort my blog update .
Ek sit nog met gemengde gevoelens en woede en hartseer . Nog my gedagtes op 'n positiewe wyse nog bymekaar te kry om te reageer op die uitkoms en die pad vorentoe vir beide spanne.
Sal binnekort my blog update .
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Sunglasses and hats
Doff your hat when you come inside.
Doff your hat when you enter into a conversation with a
lady, a group of ladies, or an individual escorting a lady or group of ladies.
Leave your hat off when in a private or intimate setting
such as a party or box seats.
Doff your hat when coming into the presence of a dignitary
or important individual of any gender. It indicates deference, respect, and a
humble approach.
Sunglasses are far more than just a practical accessory to
protect your eyes from the sun. They’re also a fashion statement and a
reflection of your personality that can enhance or detract from your
professional image. Here are the do’s and don’ts of proper sunglasses
etiquette. Follow these tips to wear sunglasses in a way that helps, not hurts,
your image.
Remove your sunglasses when conducting
business. Being able to look someone in the eye is an
important part of communicating. Talking with someone whose eyes are hiding
behind a pair of dark lenses hinders one of the key ways we read others
emotions. If you’re lunching with a client outdoors, find a shady spot to sit
and remove your sunglasses so that he or she can look directly into your eyes.
Make sure your shades reflect your
professionalism. Blinged-out, hot purple frames may be
great with summer shorts and flip flops, but not with your work attire. Same
holds true for your polarized Oakley’s that you typically wear when riding your
bike or racing your car around the track. Stick with a pair of classic black or
tortoiseshell frames during the workday.
Don’t use a pair of sunglasses as a
mirror. Resist the urge to use the sunglasses of the person
you’re talking with as a mirror to fix your hair or check your teeth. What you
are doing is obvious and distracts the person watching you primp.
Take off your sunglasses indoors.
Unless you have a medical condition that requires that you avoid strong light,
remove your sunglasses when you enter a public place. It makes you appear
disrespectful and as though you have something to hide. If you do have a
medical issue, put the other person at ease by explaining the situation:
“Sorry, I have to leave these on; I just came from a doctor’s appointment.”
Take care of your sunglasses as you
would a pair of good shoes. If the plastic is chipping, the
lenses have too many scratches or the frames are bent, it’s time to invest in a
new pair.
Don’t use sunglasses as a hair
accessory. If you are running into the grocery store or
taking care of a quick errand, a quick swoosh of your sunglasses up to the top
of your head is fast and easy. Any other time, remove and store them in a safe
place so they’re protected and out of sight.
Remember the practical purpose of
sunglasses. It’s not necessary to buy a $200 pair for
business. A classic, elegant pair with UV protection doesn’t have to be
expensive and probably shouldn’t be – given their delicate, easy-to-lose
When in doubt, take them off.
The bottom line…Unless you are driving, working in the yard, lounging on the
beach or doing something in the sun, professionally you’re creating a barrier
between yourself and those around you. In conversation, people won’t be as
easily able to listen to what you’re saying. Instead, they will wonder what
your eyes are doing, what you’re really thinking about, what you are hiding –
or perhaps what rock band you’re in.
Exception to the rule:
When you are out with friends or on a cruise ship sipping a
drink with an umbrella in it…preferably NOT with your boss!
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