Friday, 26 October 2012

Die liefde vir Geld

    Die  LIEFDE vir  Geld....

Dit  kan 'n huis koop... 
Maar nie 'n woning nie.
Dit  kan 'n horlosie koop...
Maar nie tyd nie.

Dit  kan vir jou 'n posisie koop...

Maar nie respek nie.  

Dit  kan vir jou 'n bed koop...

maar nie slaap nie.

Dit  kan 'n boek koop...

maar nie kennis nie.  

Dit  kan medisyne koop...

maar nie gesondheid nie.  

Dit  kan selfs vir jou bloed koop... 

maar nie lewe nie.

So,  jy sien, geld is nie alles nie

en dikwels veroorsaak dit pyn en  kommer...

Ek vertel jou dit omdat jy my
familie is
en as 'n familielid wil ek
jou pyn en lyding wegvat!! 

So .......

Stuur  vir my al jou geld  

en ek sal vir jou verlos van jou  lyding. 
Skakel my vir my bankrekeningnommer.
Per slot van rekening, waarvoor is
familie dan daar,  uh?? 

Monday, 22 October 2012

Lions - Semi Finals

For the Lions the Currie Cup has come to an end . Believed by me to be the favorites they lost in the final minutes – unfortunately. In no way will I single out a player that could have caused this mishap. We have tried hard and proved that even with the relegation of Super 15 we still kept our heads high and proved that we are still a force to be reckoned with. My congratulations on all the players for an awesome season and the spirit amongst them.

May the staff and players now take the next few months to rest and to clear all their negative feelings. We have lot’s of work to do for preparations for next year. 2013 will be the most important year in the history of GLRU and I wish all the best of greatness and success for their futures. Next year will not be fun – but we look forward to new heights and improvements to this new young team of the Lions. Let’s carry on to built more friendship and surprise our enemies.

Last , but not least . GLRU have lots of supporters and I urge management to set an email list of all these supporters. Then send out a weekly newsletter to all of your supporters and keep in touch with what’s happening. Lots of supporters do not have internet access but rely on emails to keep them updated.

On a lighter note – Seen on social network yesterday

Lions have a new sponsor for next year. Omo Liquid – Oe Eh Eh – only 1 cap is enough – Oe Eh Eh – only 1 cap

Monday, 8 October 2012

South Africa vs Nieu-Zeeland

The final test of the super series proved to be one of the best games of the season. The Springboks came into this match with spirit and high expectations . They played a good game . Their overall game was of a high standard but they forgot about the pace and the greatness of a good All Black game . Richie Mcall lead his team with proud and Honor. Many a youngster can learn the game by the leadership and work rate of Richie Mcall . True sportsman for Nieu Zeeland and the world. He might be playing un Orthodox and should have been blown for penalties on more than one occasion but we must admit he is a good player. Without his leadership the All Blacks will lose ground and effort.

The springboks played their heart out and faulted on more than one occasion. We cannot blame nervousness or lack of expertise . The played a normal game with not one player standing out as a hero. Their game plan was good but they lack in defence . To many handling errors cost them the game. Their kicking ability was better but there is still a lot to learn.

We might have forgotten but are now reminded why the All Blacks are always (most of the times) the number 1 rugby playing nation in the world

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Don't worry be Happy

Here is a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry be happy
In every life we have some trouble
When you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy......

Ain't got no place to lay your head
Somebody came and took your bed
Don't worry, be happy
The land lord say your rent is late
He may have to litigate
Don't worry, be happy
Look at me I am happy
Don't worry, be happy
Here I give you my phone number
When you worry call me
I make you happy
Don't worry, be happy
Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style
Ain't got not girl to make you smile
But don't worry be happy
Cause when you worry
Your face will frown
And that will bring everybody down 

So don't worry, be happy (now).....

There is this little song I wrote
I hope you learn it note for note
Like good little children
Don't worry, be happy
Listen to what I say
In your life expect some trouble
But when you worry
You make it double 

Don't worry, be happy......
Don't worry don't do it, be happy
Put a smile on your face
Don't bring everybody down like this
Don't worry, it will soon past
Whatever it is
Don't worry, be happy

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Springboks vs Australia

Was very fortunate to watch the delayed game on sabc between South Africa and Australia. I have some comments and would appreciate if this could also be forwarded to Heineke Meyer

Yes we have and still have problems with our kicking section of the game . But never in South African rugby history have I seen such a dedicated and team effort in any rugby game . Our youngsters have proved that there is talent in South African rugby after all. I see a big and bright future in the years ahead. Not one player have failed on Saturday . Where they missed out on their kicking ability they made up by putting their hearts , minds and souls to the game. Bryan Habana have proved himself once again. But who do we singled out for being the hero of the day. Yes there is one person , and that is the Springbok Team. It was a collective stress free game where the supporters won. They saw 22 dedicated and true trustworthy Springboks taking to the field and winning the hearts of the supporters.

I now fear the heads of the old established players on the injury list . How will they be able to return to the game. These youngster has proved beyond any doubt that they have the heart to take on the world . Long gone is the day where your average springbok debut on age 23 or 24 . The academy of raising young sportsmen has proved 20 to 21 is a ripe age to start an international career. We have high hopes for the forthcoming world cup. The masses in South Africa  was surprised by the immensity and courage our young springboks and forgotten real supporters are now back being the supporters of South African rugby.  

If the selectors play their cards correctly it is going to be more and more difficult to select a team . We have so many talented players with the same abilities and strength that will make selection so more difficult.

On a lighter side My Lions team are still on their way to successful defending of their Currie cup title and that also makes me a double happy supporter.

Letter to Lions Rugby Players

To The coaching staff and Lions rugby Players

As a supporter I am aware of the stress that has taken over your lives. Your monthly income depends on your well being and your ability to succeed. Injuries are a major factor in your preparations and your training program. The recent super 15 changes and your defending of the Currie Cup are probably in your minds at all times.

After all, all of you are just plain human beings. Human beings that can only do their best in difficult times like today. With all these factors I must comment you on what you have achieved and still are achieving. Yes we have lost lot of talent due to super15 relegation and injuries but still you managed to keep your heads up high and still being proud to be associated with the Lions Rugby Union. The remaining real supporters are still behind you and cheering for honor. Some of us outside of Gauteng are still glued to the radios to support and cheer you on your quest to the successful defending of the Currie Cup. The stadium is still packed and there is still life in the supporters. Your management and presidential team are still fighting for your surviving and all is not lost yet. You have not been forgotten and there are still people that believe in the Lions and in you as team. I am aware of speculation of some of the team members that will be saying farewell to the lions team.

But I would like to congratulate and honor those of you that are still staying aboard and wants to see the Lions on top again. It would have been hard for all of you to decide to stay aboard. Some of you might be losing good opportunities but we say thanks for your royalty. Our blood is red and we believe in a winning team that will rise from the ashes and surprise friend and enemy with your loyalty towards the Lions Rugby Union

To all of you I say thanks to being true sportsmen and to your dedication to the rugby supporters of South Africa

Minister of sport

As Minister of sport I would like to applaud your enthusiasm, your willingness to support and build the image of South African sport. Your commitment to results and your acknowledgement of achievements are noticed by the wider public and supporters of many a sport. I would like to have the opportunity to express my views

As a supporter the feeling in me is that in sport in general there are 3 major entities that make up a sports team and according to these criteria mentions and recommendations are based upon these people. Sport Administrators and the team managers and support team are seen as the backbone of success in sport. The players are the heart of the team and have to perform according to the laid down plans and projections as been laid down by the management team. The sponsors are there to feed money and power into the game.

In all committee or management positions you will find individuals of different professionals to tend to the day to day running of sport in South Africa. These people are allowed to comment or to question different aspects of problems within the professions. 9 times out of ten these professionals will get the opportunity to be listened to and this could affect outcome of decisions. Was there ever the scenario that the different supporter groups or just plain supporters being allowed in any decision making? Although small their contribution to sport does mean something. Imagine empty stadiums should supporters no longer support a sporting match.

We as supporters do mean something. So please don’t ignore us and allow us to be involved in decision making as well.