Thursday, 11 April 2013

‘n Skrywer in wording

Onder die mensdom is daar menige mense met die talente om skrywers te word . Talente word binne ons gebore en ons almal is eintlik skrywers. Die skommeling van die regte stelling , die prikkeling van ‘n ander se gedagtegang en sy belangstelling.

As skrywer of wordend soek ek in ons direkte omgewing na die nodige inspirasie en verwag dat dinge om ons moet gebeur sodat die gebeure omskep kan word in woorde wat ons dan kan neerpen.

‘n Blog of website is die alternatiewe manier om kort gebeure en gedagtes neer te pen vir ander om te lees. Die besoeker , indien hy ge-inspireer word deur die artikel se reaksie kan baie beteken . Indien hy dit nie as ‘n inspirasie vir homself beskou nie dan loop hierdie skrywe se uitwerking net dood . Hou hy van wat hy lees kan tot gevolg he dat hy dit gaan oorvertel of verwys na sy vriendekring wat dan tot ‘n kettingreaksie gaan veroorsaak . Meer mense gaan dan inteken wat die website bekend gaan maak . Kommentaar help ook om die skrywer beter te laat verstaan wat sy lesers wil sien , hoe hulle voel oor die gesprekke en die leesstof. Dit help ook om meer inspirasie vir die skrywer te gee vir opvolg of nuwe skrywes.

Die taal afrikaans is vir menigte van ons so ‘n geheimpie want ons gebruiker raak al hoe minder en begin ook baie verengels . web forum kan ook aan die skrywers bystaan met die uitsoek van nuwe onderwerpe en tendense in ons samelewing. Hulle beskik ook oor die talent om hulle eie nuwe woordes en gesegdes te skep wat uniek is aan hulle skryfstukke

Ek nooi ieder en elk uit om kommentaar te lewer op hierdie skrywe. Deel ook u verwagteninge , stel idees van onderwerpe voor of gebruik net hierdie forum om te gesels . Ons beweeg weg van mekaar deur middel van immigrasie en werksverpligtinge . Kom ons bring alle afrikaans sprekende mense binne en buite Suid- Afrika om hier saam te gesels en weer net onsself te wees

Friday, 15 February 2013


I am strong, because I know my weakness

 I am beautiful because I am aware of my flaws

 I am Fearless, because I learn to recognize, illusion from real 

 I am wise because I learn from my Mistakes 

 I am a lover because I have felt Hate I can laugh because I have some sadness

Friday, 8 February 2013

Some Motivational 1 liners

This is the only life you have, so reach out with both hands, grab it and embrace it! The love that is lacking from your life is the love that you are failing to bring to it.” Why do we close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss, and dream? Because the most beautiful things in life are not seen but felt only by heart. I wish we were less concerned about money and how we look and more interested in being truly happy and healthy If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments I hate when people judge others by their looks! I am me and that's what I want others to get to know...not because I look a certain way "If someone truly wants you, nothing will keep them away. They will do everything they can just to be with you." Sometimes you just need to distance yourself from people. If they care, they'll notice. If they don't, you know where you stand "Anger makes you smaller, while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond what you were." ""Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony" "A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends." Gents don't make a woman your world, make her your atmosphere and she will make you her world!" Sometimes people don't notice the things we do for them until we stop doing them You know what's wrong with the word SORRY? It gives people the wrong idea that any mistake can be solved by a single word! "Don't loose the one you love over the one you like, as the one you like will leave you for the one they love" Deur al die moeilike tye..........moet ons net dankbaar wees vir alles wat ons het, en nie as vanselfsprekend beskou! Everything happens for a reason. But sometimes the reason is that you’re stupid and you make bad decisions Whatever you do, good or bad, people will always have something negative to say I am strong, because I know my weakness I am beautiful because I am aware of my flaws I am Fearless, because I learn to recognize, illusion from real I am wise because I learn from my Mistakes I am a lover because I have felt Hate I can laugh because I have some sadness Sometimes you just got to accept that some people can only be in your Heart, not in your Life A perfect relationship = two people never giving up on each other Don’t expect things to happen. It’s better to feel surprised than to feel disappointed

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

What does 2013 have in store for us?

With the New Year a few weeks old we all tend to think and guess what the year 2013 hold for us. Maybe now it’s the time to re-look our goals and objectives. Every new year we start of with new years resolutions. We start on a positive note but after a month or two some of our resolution has been broken and our response is normally that we would try again next year But let’s say this year is the last of our life. How objective would our goals, objectives or resolutions be. Would our mindset now change? Would we be more realistic in our goals? Do we have the power and the ability to reach our goals? Don’t we just set up goals because everyone told us to have goals in our life? Do we measure the worth of our goals, is it something we can do, and is it realistic, do we work hard and smart to reach our goals. We tend to lead a life of not caring for the day of tomorrow , are we just waiting to die or do we have measures in place to treat today as if it is the last day or year of our life . Do we want to prove to others that we can reach our goals? Share with others your goals in life or the year ahead and allow them to measure you against your goals. Would this measure then enable us to work harder towards our goals and objective? Let your friends be the judges of your goals and you are the judge of their goals. Isn’t competition better than just competing on your own? Think about it and set up good and solid goals for your life this year