Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Thumbs up to workers

This dedication goes out to all workers unhappy in their working environment in regards to environment and salaries

THUMBS UP - To those workers that found alternative employment with better salaries and working environments

THUMBS UP -  To all those employees that lost good workers because they produced bad work environments and low salaries

Monday, 10 September 2012

My Post 1994

Here is my humble views how i feel what had happened and the way i see this period from 1994 - current . It;s is my own views and does not reflect on what happened prior to 1994. This is now and this how i feel today

Too many violence related to politics. Politicians are doing it for the money and to enriched themselves and their friends. No party in SA can today say that they stand for what they stand. Corruption is all over 

I don't know the meaning of this word. Their is no schooling in SA . No dedication from teachers and Scholars . No discipline . So easy to pass the standards with Matric work not even close to what i had to do in primary school. 

Service delivery
I am lucky to say that i am in a place where we have service delivery . But i feel ashamed and sorry for the 99% of the other metros in South Africa with no services

Crime and violence
There is no words to describe how we feel about the violence and crime . Our elderly people feels the burden and nobody feels safe. No control and no penalties for doing wrong

What a joke . Who you know qualifies you for a job. Not your expertise . Colour is the main entrance to any position.

Social development
Too many and too easy to get a grant. Money plays a role and not all gets what they deserve. People get paid grants while they still have permanent jobs

Our Nation

Corrupt , irresponsible , ill Discipline , Shameful Nation, We have no proudness for our country anymore


Political playground - Players getting too much money and don't pride them anymore to excelled in their sport

Alone , depressed , Partly employed , Living of the scraps offered as what they call a salary , and sometime sorrow for being a white person

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Ouderdom 50 - 60

Wat moet gebeur as ons die ouderdom bo 50 bereik

Moet dit 'n jeugtige typerk in ons lewe wees . of moet die tyd van ons lewe wees waar angs , depressie en probleme ons lewe oorval. Is dit ook die tyd wat ons vreugdes in die lewe gesteel word?

Gaan ons gebukkend onder swaar skuldlaste met slarisse wat nie eens die punt van die ysberg van skuld raak nie. Is ons gedagtes vol van hoe? waar ? wanneer ? hoekom.

Bereik ons nou die tydperk van ons lewe wat ons moet vrees vir behoud van ons werk en salaris .Hoeveel mense daar buite dink nou aan selfmoord en verwyte van 'n lewe wat nie was of is soos ons beplan het nie.

Dink ons aan die pensioen wat nie daar is nie , want in die platteland is daar nie dinge soos pensioen en medies in salarisse ingebou nie. Sit ons maar agteroor en hoop dat die skete en kwale ons nie aanraak nie maar verby beweeg na iemand anders.

Hoop ons maar na die barmhartige samaritaan wat ons sal aanraak en help met ons behoeftes want in vandag se lewe word daar vergeet van ons bejaarde mense. Ons sukkel nog om te besef dat ons lewe stadig nader aan ons einde beweeg met die besef dat daar so baie is wat ons nog nie gedoen het nie , so baie wat ons nie bereik het nie.

Waar sal ons hulp vandaan kom ? Hoeveel jong en volwasse kinders is so besig om rykdom en gemak na te jaag dat hulle ouers nie meer deel is van hulle prioriteite nie. Hoeveel bejaarde mense sien hulle kinders nie meer as 1 keer per jaar nie. Wat het geword van die opofferinge wat daardie bejaardes aan hulle kinders gegee het nie

Wie gee nog om . Is daar nog sulke mense in Suid Afrika of is hulle bang daar word te veel gevra van hulle.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Lions Rugby Players - What will they do

Dad , What’s that dark place in the Distance ?

That’s the other Rugby unions Simba , you must promise
NEVER to go there.